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Wisconsin law allows a town, village, city or county to collect an annual municipal or county vehicle registration fee (wheel tax) in addition to the regular annual registration fee paid for a vehicle. The fee applies to vehicles kept​ in the municipality or county with:
Automobile registration
Truck registration at 8,000 lbs. or less (except dual purpose farm)
​This includes most special license plates with automobile or truck registration. The municipality or county must use all revenue from the wheel tax for transportation related purposes.
Village Fee = $10.00 Effective: 9/1/2016
The fee should only be applied to vehicle registration kept in the
Village of Tigerton. View the sample renewal to the right to make
sure your vehicle is registered correctly.
What if my renewal notice is incorrect?
If your vehicle is listed in the Village of Tigerton, but you actually
keep your car in a surrounding municipality/township, you are not
required to pay the registration fee.
To correct the information do the following:
If you mail your renewal notice or apply in person, indicate the
correct information on the notice and submit the appropriate fee.
Or, contact WisDOT. Phone: (608) 264-7447 or Email
What if i paid a registration fee by accident?
If you sent in your payment to the DOT and included the $10 Vehicle Registration Fee when you do not live inside the Village, please complete the refund request form (located in the green box above). Request must be signed and either mailed to PO Box 147, Tigerton, WI 54486 or scanned and emailed to tigerton@frontiernet.net. A refund will be issed once approved at a regular board meeting held the first Monday of each mohth. Contact the DOT to correct the change for future renewals.